A man alone is in bad company
Adapted from a
theatrepiece created and
played by Dirk van Dyck, Johan Dehollander and Richard Turbiasz. Script and direction Robert Broekhuis, camera Erik van Empel, sound Alex Booy, editing and postproduction Lucas van Royen. Production NPS/
Art Channel, 50"
support from the
Stimulerings Fonds Nederlandse Culturele
Dancevideo by Nan Romijn
and Robert Broekhuis,
played and danced by Nan Romijn
and Susan
Gilson choreography Nan Romijn, music Johann
Sebastian Bach and Tom Waits, text Samuel Beckett,
Peter Handke, camera Cees Colson sound Steven van Dijk. Production Studio Blauw Oog, 14
De Mensenslinger
Video adaptation of a soloperformance by Dirk van Dyck, after a text from the
French painter and writer Henry Michaud.
Productie Art Channel Amsterdam. 70"
for television. A theatrepiece
created and played by
Ingrid and Monique Kuypers.
Script and direction Robert Broekhuis, camera Richard
Oosterhout, sound Alex Booy,
music Peter Smid, editing Ot Louw production NPS / Art
Channel 45".
With the support from the
Stimulerings Fonds Nederlandse Culturele
Short film with Pim Lambeau en Nan Romijn.
Script adaptation theatre trilogie De Rijpen.
With the support of Thuiskopie Fonds and Studio Blauw Oog.
theatre Dark Spring / Naakt met vioolancetheatre
based choreography
Nan Romijn,
direction and set
Robert Broekhuis